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Telescript = Greek "far" + Latin "written"

This post has a bearing on REXX, Telescript, and Forth chips.
Patience, please, while the story unfolds.  Part One of Three:

Newsgroups: sci.classics
From: mentifex@scn.org (SCN User)
Subject: Deinococcus Radiodurans
Date: Tue Nov 28 15:52:35 1995

   "Deinococcus radiodurans," or "terrible berry that withstands
radiation," is described on paginae B5 and B6 of the 28.NOV.1995
national edition  of the Science Times <scitimes@nytimes.com> in
the article, "Odd Microbe Survives Vast Dose of Radiation."
- -
  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ http://www.newciv.org/Mentifex/  /^^^^^^^^^^^^^\
...the diagram of mind-design for Rexx, Telescript & Forth chips.

------------ Part Two of Three:  A Flame Appears ----------------

Date: Wed Nov 29 17:29:25 1995
From: SLAN@netcom.com (S.L.A.N. is now a pseudonym)
Subject: Deinococcus Radiodurans
To: mentifex@scn.org (SCN User)

Mind explaining what this has to do with a newsgroup devoted to Classics?

Part 3:  Forward to Mind.rexx/.telescript/.forth (on Forth chips).

Date: Thu Nov 30 00:36:51 1995
To: SLAN@netcom.com  [ S.L.A.N. is a famous (Latin) pseudonym ]
Subject: Re: Deinococcus Radiodurans

                                      Seattle, THURS.30.NOV.1995

Hello, [name deleted],

   The sci.classics post about "Deinococcus Radiodurans" serves
two purposes.  First, it is designed to warm the hearts of all
us classics scholars, because the rest of the academic and scientific
and literary world has to take our trappings and fit their ways of
thinking, of expressing themselves, to our classical patterns and
formulae.  And what a beautiful expression those biology scientists
came up with:  (in Greek:  ekeine he kokkos he deinotate ... and
in Latin:  illa creatura quae obDURAT et vivit quoque sub
RADIOactivitate) Deinococcus Radiodurans.  Classicists will feel an
intense pleasure at the felicitous expression, and a pride in
being the priests and caretakers of the classical tradition.
If someone feels a little outrage at such a seemingly frivolous
post being in the inner sanctum of classical scholarship, even
the minor pleasure of "quo numine laeso" will be enjoyable.

   Secondly - and all these remarks are in the public domain -
neuroscientists and computer scientists and psychologists have
not got what it takes to figure out how the mind works.  Just
as classicists make the best espionage intelligence officers,
likewise it takes classicists who have absorbed Aristotle's
"De Anima" in the original Greek, to announce to the rest of
the modern world of philosophy and neuroscience what the mind is:

  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ http://www.newciv.org/Mentifex/  /^^^^^^^^^^^^^\
 /visual memory\ brain-mind________  abstract   | auditory      |
|      /--------|-------\ / syntax \ memory     | memory        |
|      |  recog-|nition | \________/<-----------|------------\  |
|   ___|___     |       |    |flush-vector      |    ______  |  |
|  /image  \    |    ___V____V__  word-fetch    |   /      \ |  |
| / percept \<--|-->/ array of  \---------------|->/ stored \|  |
| \ engrams /   |   \ concepts  / for thinking  |  \ words  /   |
|  \_______/    |    \_________/  in language   |   \______/    |
This diagram for artificial intelligence is in the public domain.
Project Mentifex makes Mind.rexx and Mind.forth artificial minds.
Mind.anim and theory of Mind.rexx are on Amiga Library Disk #411.
Theory is on the AI CD-ROM, Revision 3, Network Cybernetics Corp.