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[ColorForth] Passing values from Compiletime to Runtime

Dear ColorForth list readers:

Dirk Heise wrote:
> Allright. So i got it right, i think. In any case, the double color
> token doesn't please me... the only way to see it is to move
> the cursor on top of it, right? I'd really like a visible operator
> for that, if not ">", maybe "~" or "|"...

That is exactly the issue.  When Chuck first mentioned this
in 1999 he said it was only visible when under the cursor
"ring."  Someone joked that it was a secret decoder ring,
and Chuck joked that "Forth needed a secret decoder ring."

I also don't care for the idea that two color change tokens
in a row are not visible except under a cursor.  To me the
obvious solution is an additional color, something equivalent
to [ ... ] LITERAL which would make the compile time interpreted
literal sequence completely visible without the need to pass it
under a cursor.

The first solution that appealed to me was just a visible word
version of LITERAL like we have done in most versions of Machine
Forth.   I would tend to just use the Machine Forth operator #. 
The main issue is an effort to achieve consistency in the user 
interface.  It is an issue that Chuck and Terry and Sean
and I have all wrestled with. What is the best way to deal with
literals and switching between compile and interpret mode?

> Now, no need to argue, i just have to implement that and use it
> and see what it's like. I'm still busy with my classical Forth
> interpreter ATm, though, so you will have to wait a little while
> until i can report... Don't know if i extend your implementation
> or write my own, i gotta see.

I think we are all in sync.  About all you can is try to 
consistent from some point of view and try it out.

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