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[ColorForth] Code sharing

t wrote:
> A first order attempt to address the CDP is presented. See:
> http://www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/c4index.htm

The page is nice.  I will cross reference it. One item 
you might add, although I haven't updated it in a while 
is the archive of the ColorForth mail list


to your new page.

I may break it up into multiple files before long
because it is 140K w/o the August posts but the 
maillist archive, if it stays at that site, can
keep that as the base page.

There have been a few informative posts about 
ColorForth in comp.lang.forth on usenet.  I
could archive the ones I like and put them
on a page like the maillist archive, but I
would also simply suggest that people
cc the CF mail list if they post something
about their CF or what they found working
with Chuck's CF to usenet.

Jeff Fox

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