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[ColorForth] Code sharing

On Sun, 19 Aug 2001, Martin Randall wrote:

> You do realise that colorForth is it's own OS and takes over the machine.  I
> just want to make sure that you don't think it runs under a different OS.

Of course. But as I can't actually use it on my computer, I must use
another operating system to develop the kernel to the point that it
works. I assume Chuck had to do the same.
> The whole point of colorForth, as I understand it, is that it get's back to
> Chuck's original Forth but is refined, e.g. from that line.
> The whole basis of Forth was to use the same tools, to be efficient and
> compact and not to have to go through a build/link/compile phase.  It was
> also the OS and dealt directly with the hardware.

Yes, I've read his web site quite thoroughly, and I must say I am
thoroughly impressed ;). colorForth is what I've been looking for and
trying to build my self for some time. Working with my hardware was always
been the biggest obstacle for me.

> What I think we should do is a Forth OS (colorForth) that has :-
> 1)   A very small core
> 2)   A series of standard high level vocabularies that can used if you want,
> otherwise write the words yourself.
> 3)   colorForth to be written for as many microprocessors as possible (ie.
> att least 50).
> I would like Chuck Moore to be the overseer and give final approval/his
> blessing, in the mould of Linus Torvald to ensure that colorForth stays  
> 'on track' and does not become a monster like other Forths and the ANS.

I would as well, it seems it will take a concentrated effort just to get
colorForth to work on most PC's. I know linux/X has taken quite a while to
get to get to it's level of hardware compatability.



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