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[ColorForth] source in html

On Friday 17 August 2001 20:33, I wrote:
> I wrote a quick and dirty program to encode Color Forth source as
> html. There are still lots of problems that I will fix on Monday, but
> the first results (of the first version of Color.com) are at:
>   http://www.merlintec.com/download/color.html

It seems to be mostly fixed and the latest version was generated from 
what I downloaded today from Chuck's site (July 31 version, I think). 
It now uses Bernd Beuster's colorforth.css stylesheet, though I 
modified it so variables would be magenta instead of purple.

At 101KB this is a very bloated way to represent the sources, 
unfortunately. I wasn't sure what to do about the variable values, so I 
showed them in hex as white text after the variable definition.

The sources probably won't be of much interest to people here as I used 
Squeak Smalltalk to get results faster. This particular application 
would probably be nearly as easy to write in Color Forth itself since 
it doesn't require lots of complex temporary objects.

-- Jecel


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