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[ColorForth] Ackerman bench mark

Hi! I'm confused.

A while ago i read Chuck Moores explanations about
Color Forth on Jeffs site. I tried to put some of
the ideas of ColorForth into OCF, my one color forth.
To facilitate tail recursion, i implemented ";;"
so that it compiles a jump back to the last defined

Now i don't know whether this is real Color Forth -
somebody told me that ";;" in original Color Forth
turns the last compiled call into a jump, so that
for tail recursion you have to write

: aword .... aword ;;

I checked back on Chucks and Jeffs writings, but i
can't find the place where i found ";;" mentioned

Can somebody point me to the right page or tell me
how's it done in Color Forth?

Dirk Heise


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