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[colorforth] Working colorForth (hp vectra)

RE: my earlier email, in case I didn't make it plain, colorForth works
fine (boot, display, save etc.) on my HP Vectra XA after mods.

Also I was able to do screen dumps to a DOS floppy using this line:

"60 load file full put"

after I'd changed block 60 to not use "empty", but "empt" which doesn't
put up the colorForth logo. To get full resolution I made sure that the
variable "d" was set to 1.

Note that the word "file" loads the block of DOS file handling words and
"60 load" loads the PNG utility. I found I needed to use a 1.5Kb FILLER
file on the DOS floppy rather than 2Kb. Also for full resolution screen
dumps (1024x768) at least a 400Kb transfer file is needed (I created a
512kb one just to be sure!). "put" takes a (cell) address and count and
writes to the second file on the floppy.


Steve Smith

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