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[colorforth] Reminder - mailing list charter


When this list was started in March, there was not much of a description of the scope of the list. So here is an update.

The ColorForth mailing list is specifically about Chuck Moore and other people's versions of ColorForth.

ColorForth is a tight, minimal and radical Forth. In many ways it is an evolution of the original Forths.

ColorForth has now been released by Chuck Moore into the public domain and there is a web site at http://www.colorforth.com

I`m sure there will be a lot of Open Source type development and it will be an exciting time.

Please do not stray off the narrow focus of this mailing list. Any other version of Forth is off-topic as is any other language and most important of all, they are all distractions.

There are plenty of other sources for Forth information http://www.forth.org for example.

Have fun, ask relavent questions. These three sites are particularly interesting :-




May the Forth be with you...always


To Unsubscribe from this list, send mail to Mdaemon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with:
unsubscribe ColorForth
as the first and only line within the message body
Problems   -   List-Admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Main ColorForth site   -   http://www.ultratechnology.com