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[ColorForth] Macro and Forth Wordlist

Ok, i'm a little confused. On Chucks website, i read
that yellow executes a word and green compiles it.
so far so good.

Then i read that a yeelow-green transition compiles a literal.
Did i really read that ? Doesn't make sense to me.
Isn't "if" a yellow word?

Then there's a macro wordlist. Now, for the words in
that wordlist other colors are used: green executes
and cyan compiles. 

Very confusing.

Is it that the macro wordlist is searched first, and then
the Forth wordlist is searched, so that a words body can
consist mostly of green, so that "if" is a word in the
macro wordlist?

Dirk Heise

(Every time the Java applet for my online banking loads,
i can say a little prayer going like "Please little Java
applet, start for me,please start this time" and i can 
say it multiple times.
Now i know what IBM wants to do with the BlueGene: Bring
Javas power to the Desktop!)


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