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[ColorForth] Let's talk philosophy

On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Roger Ivie wrote:

> Mark Slicker wrote:
> > What I would like to see colorForth become is a highley collaberative
> > environment. Currently most of us just publish code on our respective
> > sites. This code needs to be self contained, where it might be the case
> > some words are common or there exists common structure which can be
> > factored.
> I don't mean to be rude, but that's precisely the sort of thinking that
> gave us the large ANS vocabulary. I'm not interested in other people's
> code because it doesn't solve my problem. For me to have useful code, I
> have to invent it so I know what it does and why it works that way.

I think there is value in collaberation. Maybe a few like minded people
would get together to take Forth in certain direction. I don't think 
people are so different everone needs there own system, however I
don't think people are so much the same that one system should suit
everyone. I guess I am person who uses other peoples code, and I find no
shame in doing so. Chuck's code in particular is very good, I can
understand it perfectly with out needing to invent it. It probably would
have taken me a lot longer to get to the point I'm at had I reinvented
Forth (if I could have done such a thing). I'm not to familar with ANS
Forth to know whether my type of thinking would produce it, however I do
like colorForth a great deal.
> > To facilate the collaberative process, a memory alocator might be
> > needed, so you don't step on someone else's memory.
> Memory allocator? You have a problem with Number_of_bytes ALLOT?

colorForth has no method of assigning memory. One person could
conceivably map all the memory, however it is likely two or more people
would have differing overlaping memory assignments.



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