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[ColorForth] Chuck and Browser philosophy

Kurt B. Kaiser wrote:
> > in the first place is terribly distasteful,
> > but not as distastful as touching Windows
> > or Linux and feel so passionate about that
> > that you are willing to risk everything that
> > you have done for 40 years on trying to do
> > something else then you are seeing ColorForth
> > and doing what Chuck is doing.
> > 
> > If you are using colorForth the way Chuck is
> > it is presently just a temporary phase required
> > for CAD, to make chips, to complete the picture
> > to get to the real colorForth.  If your goal
> > is a $2-internet-colorForth computer and
> I assume you mean "If your goal isn't...."
> > operating system that is the anti-thesis
> > of "personal" software, and the anti-thesis
> > of things like Linux your not doing what
> > Chuck is doing and are missing the message
> > almost everything.

I am thinking he might have meant just what he said.

Best regards,
-- Art

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