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[ColorForth] reinventing the internet?

lysse@xxxxxxxxxxx said:
> Roger Ivie wrote:
> > Most applications are more interested in ensuring that all of the data
> > actually arrives at the destination. In a file transfer, you can't toss
> > a chunk of the file just because it was lost in the network. In a
> > video application, a data loss just means a short glitch in the
> > picture.
> That's certainly true. However, NFS uses UDP, at least on Linux (there
> is experimental TCP/IP code, but I don't think it's really mature yet),
> so there may be something there.

Yeah, and then rolls its own recovery mechanisms on top of it...
> Of course if everything was sent in 1024-byte blocks... ;-)

Reminds me of a problem with a lab on campus interfacing FDDI rings
to Ethernet. The FDDI hosts were sending NFS out in 8192-byte chunks,
which caused the FDDI to Ethernet bridge problems so it dropped some
of the data. Reliably, all the time, it would drop the end of NFS
messages. Caused them no end of grief until they figured out what was
going on and forced the host to send smaller packets.
Roger Ivie

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