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[ColorForth] drawing task

I guess I'll take a stab at answering this since no one else has....

Unless I'm misunderstanding you (which is not unlikely :-), all you have to do is define a word that uses "show" in it. Everything from "show" on will become the new display task, when the word that contains it is executed. Some of the example applications show how this works; I forget which ones... most all of them, probably. I think the word "ok" is usually the one that contains the "show". At least one of the apps discusses this a little in its shadow (comment) screen.

Proviso: I haven't booted colorForth in a few days, and have only studied and played with it a bit, and not tried to write anything with it yet, so I could be misunderstanding how it works or misremembering or....

At 10:15 PM 2/4/02 -0500, you wrote:
Is there a simple way to replace the drawing task? I like to accelerate
colorForth's drawing using drawing functions on my video card. colorForth
multitasking is a bit of a puzzle to me. I'll eventually figure it out,
but I'd like simple method for now if possible.


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