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On Sat, 11 May 2002, CrowKiller wrote:

> Mark Slicker a écrit :
> > (previous message)
> > Actually these are seperate tables, they are not interleaved See
> > in color.asm, the macro dictionary (macro0,macro2), and
> > the forth dictionary (forth0,forth2).
> In fact, its much easier to code the dictionary (let say for scale,
> easier by hand) in that manner: theres two small loops instead
> of a monolithic one and they can go faster maybe, I dont know,
> at least now I understand clearly the format in what these dd definitions are
> lol

How it is done now, the string and repeat instructions of pentium can be
used. They are quite fast. 

> I think I got an idea, a javascript colorforth editor,
> or maybe even development suite (simulator with
> stacks in different popups, RPN assembler specific
> for the editor the target compiles for)for a simplified
> colorforth single task kernel alone, without editor embedded.
> I think it could be great if its interoperable between browsers,
> since MS Windows comes with the IE browser, you
> can work on your project anywhere, truly anywhere,
> on many archtictures too (hmm macs, unix, pocket pc),
> since its (it shall be) javascript compliant to go on the
> Internet WWW service. It would be great to be able
> to save a file on the HD, on a disquette or any other
> medium, like flash memory and serial wire streaming,
> IMHO it could be truly great for colorforth and even
> easy to code with the css style sheet model (SMALL
> CHARS PLEASE ;P) it enables us to go back in time
> easly, by doing the inverse loops, and get back our
> precious, raw, tokenized colorForth word, to write
> on some disquette somewhere ;p

If you wanted an editor outside colorForth, it might be best to port the
assembler code to use the operating system code (at least on x86
platform). I think the hope is that eventually these html colorForth pages
will go away, and we can download and view the source right inside the
colorForth system. Most of the people interested in colorForth source will
likely be running colorForth as well.

> Ill egt some info on javascript and will code in that
> to start. cause to me its the most portable and
> accessible language. Javascript may be able to rule
> this world after all lol

That is a scary thought!
> The AHA striked me by the simplicity of its flowcharts, and Im sure there's
> something great about it, right when I finished playing with coloforth ill drop
> on AHA
> (that means a big "maybe not before a very long time" ;pp). If you think AHA
> has good design practices tell me more please, as it seams a pretty good piece
> of machine forth code solving real problems.

I probably a bad person to evaluate other forths. colorForth is actually
the first forth I've used! The AHA system looks interesting to me, but it
would probably take me a while to evaluate it properly. The aha page says
it uses tokenized source. I wonder how this compares to the preparsed
representation of colorForth. Specically, in compile time and compactness. 

I'm pretty happy with colorForth, if I could make it simpler or better in
someway I might create my own colorForth, but I'd probably sugest my ideas
to Chuck Moore first. I think it provides a good focal point for a
colorForth community to develop. It would take me much to long to write
all the code I would like to use under colorForth. My hope is that some
skilled colorForthers come forward and tackle some of the projects Chuck
has sugested. I'm working on a jpeg decoder at the moment, it should be
usefull in a web browser or just general image viewing.

> Again, thank you Mark!!

No problem. It's good to see interest in colorForth.



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