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[colorforth] List rules reminder

Due to recent events, I want to remind people of the list rules.

Here they are again.  Please read them and try and follow them.

I do not like being forced to send people formal warnings, even less so to ban them.

Also note there is now a ColorForth chat list for more generalized discussions.

List Admin.


Welcome to the ColorForth mailing list.

This mailing list has been created as a service to, and in support of, the
ColorForth community.

As in most mailing lists, there are a few rules to ensure the
survivability of the list for the future.

1)	This list is primarily for discussions of the ColorForth related matters
only. Limited social mail to help establish communtiy spirit is
permitted, provided this does not dominate the list.

2)	Flames, insults, foul language will not be tolerated. You will be
unsubscribed and barred  from re-subscribing.

3)	Post in plain text !!!
Do NOT post with html, digital signatures, rtf etc. or send file attachments
(pictures, files).  Upload them to your private web page and provide a
link !

4)	Ensure you read and understand about copyright, privacy and SPAM
issues. Do NOT add this, or any other list, to an archive (directly or
indirectly) without the mailing list hosters permission. People use
mailing lists instead of newsgroups, to talk to like-minded people with a
set of rules they are comfortable with. There is also an `expectation of privacy` that their mails will not go beyond the list. When/if we archive, a new notification
will be sent out and e-mail addresses removed from the archived mails.

A note about  `throw-away`  accounts e.g. yahoo, hotmail etc.
These tend to have mail delivery problems at various times. We have found
that in excess of 80%  of all bounces and delayed notifications come from
these accounts, even though only 7% of our subscribers have used them.

We therefore request that you use your  `REAL`  ISP account for our mailing
lists if at all possible.

All our lists are   `request to join/leave authorized`   and   `only members
can post`. This policy has resulted in no SPAMS or other related problems
from non-subscribers in over 3-years.

General internet information

For newbies (and the old timers who have forgotten) to the net. Read the
Netiquette rules at


(NOTE these links can change, search on netiquette if they change
and are no longer supported)

and for general interest on copyright


There are plenty more - search using any search engine for "Netiquette".

If you read and follow these rules (and advice) throughout the internet,
you will find that  people will generally treat you with respect.

A lot of flames and abuse are caused by ignorance of netiquette on the one


intolerance of bone fide mistakes on the other.

There are a few individuals who like to start arguments, abuse people, just
for the reaction.  (Also as they get kick's out of it and it's cheaper
than psycho-therapy) : )

To get away from them, create a filter (kill file) so you never see them
and/or don't ever respond to their mails or posts/replies. Always read
the thread line from the start before  responding.

If you're angry, take a break, have a coffee or something. Never post
hastily (you can't take it back).

Later, a list FAQ may be sent to all subscribers if we feel it's

What to discuss ???

Well, problems, wishes, needs, suggestions, possible solutions, basically
anything ColorForth related.

It may be advisable to create a mail sub-directory to store ColorForth
mail in, but this is a user decision.  Putting the list POST address in an
address book is also recommended.


To post		-	ColorForth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mail problems	-	List-Admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Have fun...Regards...Martin

To Unsubscribe from this list, send mail to Mdaemon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with:
unsubscribe ColorForth
as the first and only line within the message body
Problems   -   List-Admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Main ColorForth site   -   http://www.colorforth.com