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[colorforth] jpeg decoder

ImageMagic under Linux is able to convert pretty much anything to anything.
Adding a filter for a colorForth special format would be trivial.

My point is that Linux is already the minimum that you have to do if you
want to be compatible with everything. That problem has been solved.

So if you want to be compatible then just use Linux. If your colorForth
needs to talk to non-colorForth's then use Linux as converter.

The beauty of a minimalistic ColorForth would be a large libary of
source code that provides an understandable, best of breed implementation
of various algorithms.


PS: Mark, I think I missed your last email. Could you resend it to me

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 05:18:15PM -0400, Mark Slicker wrote:
> On Wed, 29 May 2002, Jonathan Walther wrote:
> > Having a jpeg decoder would be nice, but shouldn't be part of the
> > "forth" system proper... if we get our own forth image format, we could
> > convert all incoming images to it then just leave them that way. let the
> > rest of the world write decoders for the forth image format for their
> > own platforms.
> > 
> You need a jpeg decoder to convert an incoming jpeg image!
> > Any ideas on a forth image format?  As Jeff Fox would say Chuck would
> > say, you should tailor your image format to your application.  If your
> > application is "trading images over a heterogenous network", then the
> > problem gets a lot cruftier, or else less efficient, than if we have one
> > true Forth Machine, and can just compress the bits and bits that you
> > would blast directly into the Forth Machines video memory.
> Why are we discussing vaporware?
> > 
> > If the 25x ever gets manufactured, I plan to embed one in my HDTV, and
> > let it drive it, then use another 25x as my personal machine, and when I
> > want to do graphics, instead of having my 25x drive a bulky monitor,
> > I'll send little bits of forth code over to be executed by the embedded
> > HDTV driver.  Doing cool graphics with computer monitors seems to take a
> > hella lotta bandwidth.
> > 
> Flippant remarks are not helpful!
> Mark
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