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[colorforth] NASM for colorforth

Think I've mentioned this a few times. I've done a GNU assembler port of
the MASM source, so you can compile on all platforms the GNU tools are
available for (pretty much all C platforms).

If there really is interest in NASM let me know. I could do a
port. The program I wrote can translate with excelent acuracy. Give
me an email if you are interested. If this is really holding so many back 
to contributing to colorForth, I would be glad to help.

I have no interest in a Linux port. Seems like giving up to me. Chuck is
aparently working networking. I'm working on some devices, ethernet,
sound, graphics. I've implemented one internet protocal, jpeg. Bernd
Beuster has done sound for the sound blaster, and PIT. A colorForth
system with base software does seem realizable.

What is needed is to get more people into the process of
contributing. The hardware required is probably holding many back. What is
a good strategy for addressing this? There is pretty much only two things
that seem to go wrong, floppy and graphics. What is needed is proper
diagnoses. What kind of system the person has, what graphics card. Which
one fails. Chuck has a database for some of this. What could also be
useful is if colorForth does work, what version are you using? What
versions did you try that didn't work? Some of the versions I created with
vbe code did help some people. There have also been mesages posted to
this list which contain fixes for other graphics cards.

Another thing that is needed is to centralize all this information. This
information is of no use if it scattered about a hundred different pages,
and someone can't find it. Should the colorForth community have a
centralized web page?



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