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[colorforth] NASM for colorforth

On Sun, 7 Jul 2002, t wrote:
> The major roadblock to having a more active colorForth development effort is
> the lack of an efficient method of sharing code. Until colorForth has a network
> interface or (travesty!) an ASCII implementation, the requisite hand
> translation of colorForth source will inhibit code sharing. If you will notice,
> most of the shared development efforts have centered around
> the ASCII assembler source which is easily communicated. This is not a
> coincidence.

Sharing colorForth source is equivalent to extracting blocks and posting
them somewhere. Exracting blocks is trivial under Unix with Bernd's bget
utility. I don't what the process is for Windows, more difficult I
assume? Posting space might not be available to all, but blocks could be
sent as email attachments.

I suspect another impediment is learning curve. I've talked to some on the
#c4th chat. Even those much experience in assembler and forth, experience
varying ammounts of dificulty with colorForth. All we can do about this is
encourage people ask questions. colorForth does not seem purposely
difficult, but it is likely that is very different from what most are used

> The only thing it might be lacking is a data base of operational colorForth
> versions and matching hardware. That information is available in the email
> archive.

I'm going to make draft "colorForth hardware compatability page" with
information compiled from this list. I think it will me much more helpful
to have this information in one place.



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