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[colorforth] NASM for colorforth

On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Kristopher Johnson wrote:

> My thinking is that if we go with HTTP, then we can use any old off-the-shelf
> web server application on the server side.  If we go with UDP, then we'd need
> to specify a new protocol, and implement something new on the server side.
> Also, I believe applications don't have absolute control over packet sizes. 
> The underlying layers are free to split UDP messages into smaller units.  So a
> UDP-based protocol would need some way to detect missing packets and do resends
> and all that other stuff.  (I could be wrong here--I know more about the higher
> levels of TCP/IP than the lower levels.)
> If all we want is colorForth-to-colorForth connectivity (i.e., a colorForth
> machine talking to another colorForth machine), over a LAN (not across the
> Internet), then I guess we could make a lot of simplifying assumptions.

I'd like internet connectivity. So users can connect to remote machines,
and download, or upload new source. Also peer to peer communication
interests me, users being able to share source directly.

The UDP protocol doesn't mention splitting up the datagram, I'll look into
this issue. Does anyone know offhand?



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