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[ColorForth] pre-parsed source and code sharing

On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 05:31:26PM -0400, Myron Plichota thus spake:
> It's one thing
> to adopt a private character set for a private environment with no
> aspirations to go beyond that closed world, but then any credible
> discussion
> about surfing the Internet and partaking of email, etc., etc. is
> precluded.

Well, I was thinking recently about such things.

Isn't it no different than processing raw data of some sort?

I don't see how what a computer processes is absolutely tied
to the base symbol representation. (16-bit sound data for example)

The idea of a system with a small set of symbols processing another
system with a larger set of symbols is appealing.

How much overhead is incurred I do not know, but I bet that there are
plenty of examples in the form of multi-lingual character handling
and GUIs.

Eric LaForest

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