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[colorforth] ColorForth and Load and a relative load

  What are the thoughts of modifying the 'load' command so that with
numbers less than 10 and greater than -10 the load command would load a
relative block instead of an absolute block.
  This would allow code that is contained on multiple blocks to be
placed anywhere.
  For example, code on blocks 100 and 102, would require a '102 load' on
block 100, and if the code was moved to block 110, then the code would
have to be changed.  But with the modified load, a '2 load' on block 100
would load block 100+2.  Then the code would load block 102 without any
  Currently the first code block is 18, it would be safe to say any
number less than 10, arbitrary picked, would be safe.
  If this seems like a good idea, then let me also suggest that numbers
like -2 and -4 would be useful also.
	These are my thoughts and are subject to change without notice.

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