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[colorforth] IDE bootloader to play with PC


this time less buggy code, at least I hope.
I sent it to the FASM author to put on the website,
I hope he will like it.

It use the fact that a lot of sectors are not used on
the head 0 (62 usable sectors here) because
most partitioning program start at head 1.
So one can write his test code here and use this
bootloader to test it.

;Written in FASM 1.46 GUI for windows
;PC Bootloader with the following features
;- Disable all interrupts (NMI too)
;- Enable the A20 (PS2 port)
;- Go into flat 32 bit protected mode
;- Loads n sectors from IDE hard drive
;  following the MBR
;- BIOS independant
;- Can work from almost any bootable medium
;Have fun!
macro align value { rb (value-1)-($+value-1) mod value }


org 7C00h

       cli                 ;Disable interrupts
       cld                 ;Clear direction flag
       in AL,070h          ;Turn NMI off
       or AL,080h
       out 070h,AL

       in AL,092h          ;\
       or AL,2             ; Enable the A20
       jmp $+2             ; for PS/2 and up
       out 092h,AL         ;/

       mov AX,CS           ;\
       mov DS,AX           ; Fetch GDT
       lgdt [GDT]          ;/
       mov EAX,CR0         ;\
       or AX,1             ; Set protected mode bit
       nop                 ; Alignment
       mov CR0,EAX         ;/
       jmp 8:Protected     ;Flush pipeline

       align 8             ;should do nothing
GDT:    dw 0017h            ;flat memory GDT
       dd GDT
       dw 0000h
       dw 0FFFFh,0000h,9A00h,00CFh ;code
       dw 0FFFFh,0000h,9200h,00CFh ;data

Protected:                  ;Now in 32 bit protected mode
       mov EAX, 10h        ;Data descriptor
       mov DS, AX          ;\
       mov ES, AX          ; Initialize crucial descriptors
       mov SS, AX          ;/
       mov ESP, 7C00h      ;Initialize the Return Stack
       xor EDI, EDI        ;\
       mov EAX, 1          ; Loads N sectors after MBR (0=256 sectors)
       call Read           ;/
       jmp 0               ;Jump to it, in pmode with no interrupts

Read:   mov bl, al          ;BL act as sector counter
       mov edx,1f2h        ;sector count
       out dx,al
       mov eax, 0A0000002h ;Base address in physical CHS format
       inc edx
       out dx, eax
       mov edx, 1f7h       ;\Write to Command Register
       mov al,20h          ; Read and Retry
       out dx,al           ;/
       in  al,dx           ;Read Status register
       and al,8
       jz waitrdy
       mov cx, 256         ;\
       mov dx,1f0h         ; Sector fetch loop
       rep insw            ; Respect 0 = 256 sectors
       dec bl              ;
       jnz waitrdy         ;/

       SpaceLeft = 510-($-Beginning)

       times SpaceLeft db 0h
       dw 0AA55h           ;Boot sector magic number

;Compile-time directives
d1 = '0'+ SpaceLeft shr 8 and 0Fh
d2 = '0'+ SpaceLeft shr 4 and 0Fh
d3 = '0'+ SpaceLeft and 0Fh
if d1>'9'
d1 = d1 + 7
end if
if d2>'9'
d2 = d2 + 7
end if
if d3>'9'
d3 = d3 + 7
end if

display 'IDE bootloader',13,10
display 'Space left: ',d1,d2,d3,'h',13,10

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