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Re: [colorforth] About a byte-sized colorforth

On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Samuel Falvo wrote:

> > What is the of advantage bincopy token over a number token? A number token
> > would compile code to push a literal on the stack.
> A bincopy token would just compile a set of raw bytes into the dictionary.
> It's up to the editor to determine how to render those values.  It seems like
> it eliminates the need for DEADBEEF , FEEDFACE , 01234567 , 89ABCDEF ,
> ...etc...

This much is obvious. I mean the sum total advantage of bincopy over
number. Perhaps it is too early to say. This is why I wanted to avoid
criticism of Adam's system at this point. It is not fully worked out, so
it is difficult to tell what the impact of features will be on
application development.


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