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[colorforth] Dare I say ANS!

Hi All,

I would like to make colorForth more standard. Some words make colorForth
uneccessarily difficult for someone used to more conventional Forths :

colorForth   ANS/conventional
-                  invert
copy            blk @ swap copy
pad             n/a
erase          erases n blocks starting at blk @
mark          gild
i                 i 1 -
?dup          ????
accept        ????

I think each word must be judged individually - how about :

rename - as invert
: negate  invert 1+ ;
: -  negate + ;
This restores compatibility. It is interesting to note that since "invert"
fits into 28 bits, source size is not affected.

rename pad as kpad:
It begins a list of words to execute for each key, so a ":" seems right.
: pad 2000 block ;
The old idea of pad is still useful, I think.

rename erase as bclr ( block clear )
: erase  ... the usual loop ... ;

rename mark as gild ( do Forth, Inc. have copyright on that? ;)

Make i return an index from 0 to n-1 instead of 1 to n. I presume this was
intentional - does any one know why?

?dup - what is this?
accept - ditto -
use diferent names for these....

I think we should use whatever the ANS form is for 1@, 2@ etc ( c@ w@ I
think ).
Does anyone know if "port fetch" has an ANS name? polyForth uses INPUT and
OUTPUT, p@ and p! is fine by me.



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