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Re: [colorforth] FML

Hi Albert,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Albert van der Horst" <albert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <colorforth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [colorforth] FML

> I see three items here:
> 1. How to keep pace with Chuck Moore
> 2. Having the generating of colorforth under control, such as to
>    have it run on as many PC's as possible
> 3. Allowing everybody to experiment with their own colorforth's

> > I think this could be very useful to dis-assemble the BIOS...
> I would like to do that. In the context of colorforth this would
> mean, analyzing the BIOS in order to adapt colorforth automatically
> to the PC at hand. All Forth's trying to boot directly would
> benefit from this effort. (Including the one I myself am experimenting
> with ;-) )
Excellent idea! This is a classic use of Forth to break "encryption by
obfuscation" ;)
I was thinking about a "virtual 80x86" machine that could single step
through the BIOS ( or driver ), filtering out highlights such as I/O port
This sounds similar to your dis-assembler/assembler combination, but without
the need to assemble...
There would be less manual interpretation of the code, just run through it
and see what happens.



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