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Re: [colorforth] About Hardware forth Forth

On Saturday 06 March 2004 12:37 am, alain wrote:
> Bonjour,
> The 6502 is a little old.
> ARM processors are more powerfull and 32 bits.
> A british company, Simtec produces a board for  £99 Sterling :

Can I get an ARM in a 40-pin through-hole DIP package?  No?  Thank you.  
Like I said *countless* times on this forum, the reason for all the 
choices is that the ForthBox Kestrel is a *KIT* computer that *YOU* 
build.  If you have never built a kit before, you're likely (though not 
necessarily) not going to have the experience of hand-soldering surface 
mount components (which, I might add, all the ARM processors I've seen 
just happen to be!).  Therefore, the kit will be rather *difficult* to 
build, which means a much higher failure rate, which means *reduced* 
sales through word-of-mouth complaints to others.

Again, please understand.  Decisions to build things like this are NOT 
purely technical.  I *MUST* consider my target market, otherwise I'll 
have no market left.

>     * $179 (US Dollar)

Too much.  WAY too much.  If it doesn't go for *under* $100 US dollar, it 
won't sell worth a damn.

Samuel A. Falvo II

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