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Re: [colorforth] ColorForth

On Fri, 12 Mar 2004, Jason Morris wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am new to Forth overall and would like to know if a
> schematic entry program could be implemented in
> ColorForth? Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Best Regards
> Jason

The simple answer is yes, colorForth is a general purpose language with
support for graphics and input. If you can concieve, design, and implement
it, then colorForth is a suitable medium of expression.

The caveat is that there is a learning curve. You don't give your
background, but you there will likely be period of time you are not
productive in the language. The other caveat, is that you are given a
blank slate, the language and library tend toward minimal, some find this
intimdating others find it liberating.

You may want to take a look at this:


This describes a methodology for software development, there is a very
heavy emphaisis on design, before an attempt on coding the application is
made. This may give you an idea of what to expect.


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