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Re: [colorforth] New Standard Keyboard

>> for colorforth... (It is pretty colorful ;-)

>Looks almost like a child's toy :)

It does  -- I thought it was at first...

>Only thing I would like to offer is to maybe make it something like 32
>keys instead, in order to just add a few to make simple multitasking ala
>Tim's mtcf a bit nicer. This would give 5 "terminal" keys, if
>desired. Also, 32 keys will fit very nicely into 5 bits :).

I like the idea of keeping it minimal

>If you take the time to get hooked, you won't be able to stop. It's
>like an addiction :).

Hmm, I'll have to do this soon! That is a good endorsement!

>Also, Mark Slicker's VESA image has worked on every computer I've
>tried it on so far (excluding one with a non-VESA card).

Thanks, I'll try the VESA version. I know this topic has come up periodically
but I always forget which version everyone recommends for a wider range of 
hardware support. I'd rather run a native version if possible... Xcolorforth 
would be a second choice.


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