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Re: [colorforth] Re-connecting

--- Mark Slicker <maslicke@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > Haven't seen any substantive comments from either
> Jeff or Chuck that said how
> > many lines of source code it took for the ITV
> web-browser and email client.
> > Bet that they were an order of magnitude larger
> than OKAD. And had to be. If a
> > user can do something, they will. Error checking
> routines have to be written
> > to cover all input and user generated algorithmic
> changes.
> Chuck has expressed his view on errors[1], however
> Chuck did not write the 
> ITV code from my understanding.

Well I know Jeff wrote iTV code.  He also said
it could have been smaller than it was if not
for the focus on "portability".

I do recall reading once how Chuck really liked
the way the iTV browser would navigate directly
to links.  (I know some other browsers do this 
as well).  The nice think is you changed the
general problem of "clicking anywhere on the
screen" to "clicking directly on the link".
That in of itself cuts down on SOME code.

Terry, nice work on your SOF.  (System on a
floppy.)  That reminds me of the QNX "demo"
disk.  Did you ever check that out?

Anyway, to me it stands to reason that if
you can get QNX on a floppy and Linux on a
floppy you SHOULD be able to get something
written in colorForth that can read email 
and browse web pages on a floppy.  Does
this require some different thinking?  
Of course.  If you want to communicate 
with Aunt Bertha via email you're going
to have to use ASCII, no way around that.
Still I don't think files are necessarily
a requirement.  Most email programs I've
seen store a gazillian email messages in
a single file.  As for navigation, I was
impressed by the "application explorer"
in the latest CFDOS release.  (Maybe I'm
just easily impressed.)  ;)

I think an email reader would be a good
first cut for a "real world" colorForth
app.  POP3 runs off UDP so you don't have
to wait for the TCP implementation to be

John M. Drake

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