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[colorforth] meta-compiler

I was discussing my meta-compiler ideas with Howerd, I thought I might as well publish them here, to see what others think. Just to note, some of the code below (building dictionary entries) is untested.

If you don't know what a meta-compiler is, the best I can describe it is as an application which allows you to compile a new Forth kernel itself defined in Forth.

If the Forth kernel is targeted to a different processor, there may be additional complications beyond what is described here. At the moment, I am interested in compiling a pentium colorForth kernel using the present pentium colorForth kernel. What this means is that compiling the colorForth kernel will be little different than compiling any other colorForth application. The differences however are important to note:

* The kernel must be self contained, it cannot refer to words defined outside of itself, except for macros which compile instructions inline.

* Variables must refer to locations within the kernel, not locations in source.

* All absolute addresses which reference locations within the kernel must be adjusted for the kernel's target location.

In addition to these differences, the kernel requires that some of the words defined as part of the kernel also be defined in a new dictionary which is part of the kernel. This second dictionary will be used by the new kernel to interpret and compile and execute, just as the active dictionary is used by the active kernel to interpret and compile and execute.

Given the above requirements, we can design and implement a meta-compiler suitable for compiling a new pentium colorForth. One choice I have made is to have two seperate spaces to compile to, this mimics other meta and target compilers I have seen (cmForth, X18), and I think it has some advantages.

I have a variable 'h' and a word 'target' which will switch between compiling in the two spaces. This can be acomplished because all compiling words reference the variable 'h' in the kernel. I have chosen the location of the kernel to be at block $800 (2 MB). This value is itself not signifigant and can be changed to another location if need be, the same is true for some of the other constants used below. A word 'delta' is defined to encode the difference between where the kernel is compiled and where it targeted to be used. To this point here are the words defined as part of the meta-compiler:

( Metacompiler ) empty variable h forth
: memory [ $800 block ] ; memory 4 * h !
: delta [ memory negate 0 block + ] ;
: target [ h ] @ [ last -1 + ] dup @ [ h ] ! ! ;

colorForth gives a meaning to each word by its color, the color acts simply as an index into a table of function pointers, each executed upon interpreting a word of that color. This table is accessible by the word 'sp', therefore the meaning of each color can changed by writing to locations offset from 'sp'.

: f! [ sp ] + ! ;
: f@ [ sp ] + @ ;

This is suitable to change the meaning of variable (magenta), but for building the new dictionary, instead of changing the meaning of red words, which will be changed by 'macro' and 'forth', I use the kernel variable 'class', the value of which is executed after a red word is defined only if the value is non-zero.

: class [ last 1 + ] ! ;

The format of the dictionary built in the new kernel is the same as the active kernel, two parallel arrays 'macro' and 'forth' are interleaved, each with a count of the number of definitions at the head. I define the following words to build entries in the new dictionary:

?macro - return the address of the count and the address of the name
         array of either the forth or macro dictionary depending on which
         is being defined.
entry - return the address and name of the last defined word.
define - define a word in the new dictionary.

: defer pop ;
: ?macro 3 f@ [ 3 f@ negate ] + drop if [ 5 block delta + dup -2 + ] dup 2 + ; then [ -1 + ] dup 129 + ;
: entry [ last ] @ dup @ [ delta -4 * ] + swap [ gap negate ] + @ ;
: define defer 1 ?macro over @ + dup push entry pop ! [ 128 1024 + ] + ! +! ;

I change the meaning of variable, so that a variable when referenced in yellow gives an address of a cell in the kernel:

: execute push ;
: cell here 3 ? if 1, cell ; then 2/ 2/ [ delta ] + ;
: variable defer 0 class [ 12 f@ ] execute define class cell [ last ] @ [ gap negate 1 + ] + ! 0 , ;

Finally, I need a word 'meta' to enable 'define', and give variable (magenta) its new meaning. A word '/meta' will return things back to normal:

: meta variable 12 f! define class ;
: empty empt
: /meta [ 12 f@ ] 12 f! 0 class ;

The full one block meta compiler:

( Metacompiler ) empty variable h forth
: memory [ $800 block ] ; memory 4 * h !
: delta [ memory negate 0 block + ] ;
: target [ h ] @ [ last -1 + ] dup @ [ h ] ! ! ;
: f! [ sp ] + ! ;
: f@ [ sp ] + @ ;
: class [ last 1 + ] ! ;
: defer pop ;
: ?macro 3 f@ [ 3 f@ negate ] + drop if [ 5 block delta + dup -2 + ] dup 2
+ ; then [ -1 + ] dup 129 + ;
: entry [ last ] @ dup @ [ delta -4 * ] + swap [ gap negate ] + @ ;
: define defer 1 ?macro over @ + dup push entry pop ! [ 128 1024 + ] + !
+! ;
: execute push ;
: cell here 3 ? if 1, cell ; then 2/ 2/ [ delta ] + ;
: variable defer 0 class [ 12 f@ ] execute define class cell [ last ]
@ [ gap negate 1 + ] + ! 0 , ;
: meta variable 12 f! define class ;
: empty empt
: /meta [ 12 f@ ] 12 f! 0 class ;

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