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[colorforth] Colorforth2a & QEMU RBG issues

So I saw that Colorforth2a requires a 32bit color mode, and as such tweaked the location where it sets the video mode in BIOS by editing address 0x18C in a hex editor and changed it from 18 to 44 which is the Bochs/Plex86 VGA bios specific mode for 1024x768x8888 as per:

#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1024X768X8888                       0x144

And low and behold, Colorforth is running under QEMU on a MacBook Pro under MacOSX.... with one slight problem, R & B are swapped resulting in Blue definitions, light blue execution, teal literals, yellow macros, and white comments.

While I actually really like this color scheme, if any one has a good idea on how to swap R & B I'd love to hear it :)

David J. Goehrig

Email: dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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