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Re: [colorforth] Re: objects and forth

The question was whether learning C, Smalltalk, or LISP before attempting to learn FORTH would help or hurt.

Smalltalk is, as near as I can tell without spending a LOT of time learning it in detail, inextricably tangled up in twisted weave of classes. None of C, LISP, or FORTH have that particular feature. All can be extended with classes. C has two main ways, Objective C and C++. LISP does it with CLOS. FORTH, you roll your own, but look at CREATE-DOES> for a starting point.

It is not clear to me that requiring the student to master many intricacies of object-oriented design and programming is all that likely to help him learn the mindset of a language that explicitly does not include object orientation.

On The Gripping Hand, as Niven & Pournelle fans say, the RIGHT way to learn FORTH is to grab a copy of Leo Brodie's wonderful book "Starting FORTH", and work through it. Follow that up with "Thinking FORTH", by the same author.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Aleksej Saushev" <asau@xxxxxxxx>
To: <colorforth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 11:23 AM
Subject: [colorforth] Re: objects and forth

"John R. Strohm" <strohm@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

Learning C first will probably do some damage.

Learning Smalltalk first will probably do some serious damage.

Which way? I don't believe that.

I'm more inclined to believe that learning Smalltalk first will cure you
from Forth DIY disease. At least with Smalltalk you get complete system,
usable "mind amplifier."

Learning LISP first, if you learn it RIGHT (i.e., from SICP),
will probably help a lot more than it hurts.

Recall that there are two categories of computer languages:
LISP, and everything else.

And how much does Smalltalk differ from Lisp in conceptual simplicity of
base language?

I'm pretty sure, that if you learn Smalltalk right, it will help more
than learning Forth rigth. Just compare Squeak to equally licensed Forth,
pForth or FICL. Feel the difference. Compare it to Gforth and feel it again.


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