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[ColorForth] Cross purposes.....

Hello one and all,

I was going to post a 3 parter on why I'm part of the list and my philosophy. But before I do so can I interrupt?

Jeff, what Charles and yourself want to do with ColorForth isn't necessarily what some of us want to do with it. Our opinions and ideas do not diminish your ideas in the least.

To all the others, I don't care if the $2 universal computer idea is practical or useful. I'm here to listen to everyone think through new ideas.

I don't want Charles to change his vision. Or to match ours. Anyone who can apply new and original ideas to computing should be encouraged in my mind. If I could I'd fund Charles to continue doing whatever he wants. As long as he keeps letting us know what he's found. I may not agree with everything that comes from those new ideas, but I will agree with part of it. And I'll learn from all of it.

My own personal gut feeling is that the 25X or 50X will (or would) be more successful as a programmable and powerful coprocessor for existing systems than as a stand alone device. The ability to throw 10 or 20 of them into a system as general or specific purpose processors for $40 makes my mind go through loops. Incredibly powerful and cheap next generation video game console anyone? If selling the chip to others for their own use leads to Charles being able to create his own system based on it, all the more power to him. I'd love to have the time and oppurtunity to program the 25X and put it through some paces.

But I'm on this list because of my interest in ColorForth and Flux and the ideas I'm learning from them.

I'm here to watch Charles, Jeff, Sean and all the others try things and share what they've learned. And as I do more work in these systems I want to share my ideas and discoveries.

In a place where we're not at each others throats. Even if we don't agree.

So, after my minor diatribe I'm still going to post my 3 parter on what I've learned, and what I might try to do. I'm looking for comments and criticisms. Constructive criticism please, but feel free to let me know what you think. Regardless.

Thanks in advance,
David Govoni


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