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Re: [colorforth] forth taxonomy

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Fox" <fox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <colorforth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: [colorforth] forth taxonomy

> "John A. Peters" wrote:
> > At SV FIG we are working on a way to broadcast 
> > presentations via VNC (Freeware) which sends 
> > out a live copy of the presenters screen and
> > audio too. 
> > It is still experiential but maybe Chuck could 
> > use it after we test it more.  
> It runs under Chuck's colorforth? ;-)
I assume not with his version that talks directly to the 
hardware.  Since there are implementations of CF that
run on windows machines then maybe take a look

> Is VNC restricted to MS Windows implementations?
> If so, which ones?
VNC runs on lots of OS including :
Windows 9x/2000/NT/XP (x86)
Linux (x86)
Solaris 2.5 (SPARC)

> > what I have successfully done is send out a real time 
> > copy of the computer screen that Chuck shows to the 
> > audience at the SV FIG meeting along with his
> > audio comments describing what he is showing us, and 
> > what he is typing in.
I mis-stated this.  Actually it was a test of a screen full of 
generic Forth on a windows notebook, not actually 
Chuck's computer screen.
> To do that you would have to capture the video signal
> from his machine and I don't think you are using an
> external video signal like the projector does.  I suspect
> the software in question adds a layer of code between
> the screen driver in windows and the screen driver of
> other windows machines that updates screen data going
> to the windows display.  It is not a BIOS update or
> special machine right, just software?  (That has not 
> been ported to Chuck's colorforth?)
I wonder if it will be impossible to show his screen, since
he works so closely to the hardware. :-(

> > Usually these presentations do not involve very 
> > many updates to the screen unless one executes 
> > a Forth word like WORD.
> > 
> > The remaining problem is that to send out the audio to multiple
> > viewer-listeners has not succeeded very well.  We have used 
> > Yahoo! chat mode but the audio was some what choppy and some
> > times it gets dropped, so I am  using the POTS for now (Plain 
> > old telephone system).  
> Yahoo servers can be very heavily loaded.
> Moving jpeg and audio formats are supported by most 
> browsers directly.  Is that what VNC uses or does it
> require helper apps for some other formats?  Do you
> know?
My guess is that it is close to what we used to call a 
> With colorforths in standalone-floppy, DOS, Linux/X,
> and Windows versions hopefully -some- colorforth
> might run (on top of) VNC.  That should be tried
> too.
I have not yet tried out ColorForth here. Let me know 
what you find out if you try it. I am available to help with
VNC even though it is quite a friendly system, it is always
easier with some help.  My plate is full with
converting my estimating application from DOS
to windows, improving WinEd and testing and playing
with 4ePost, as well as my Electrical contracting business.
> Best Wishes,
> Jeff Fox
To do a VNC trial run just contact me here or via
svfig mail list or on Yahoo! IM where my handle is 
japeters1939 or write me at -

John A. Peters
415 509-3599 cell
japeters1939 on Yahoo! Instant Msg.

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