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Re: [colorforth] Unused character encodings available in Colorforth

On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 10:42:27PM +0200, Roman Pavlyuk (personal) thus spake:
> Just a silly idea (as all of them at this time of day):
> I'm not joking. Since words are not made of characters, but encode symbols
> (=entities), it'll be internationalized ipso factum.

ITYM "de facto". :)

> Does anyone see any serious drawbacks?

It's an interesting idea, but it's no good for i18n, since some of those
entities have no direct mapping in another language.

Best example I know:
The French word "frileux" has no equivalent in English (I've looked hard!)
(means to have a sensitivity to cold with a wimpish connotation..sorta. :)

Eric LaForest

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