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[ColorForth] One Color Color Forth

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dirk Heise" <dheise@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "ColorForth List Member" <ColorForth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 3:50 PM
Subject: [ColorForth] One Color Color Forth

> Some thoughts about implementing a language
> that resembles Color Forth in certain ways,
> but without the color;
[ [ SNIP ] ]
> : fib dup, 0=, if drop, 1 , ; then
>   dup, 1 , =, if ; then
>   dup, 1 , -, fib, swap, 2 , -, ;;
[ [ SNIP ] ]
> Any comments?
> Dirk

This does have a certain primitive appeal, especially for a cross-compiling
situation.  But color or some other display attribute does help distinguish
the different intentions.  But please let us know how your experiment
Mike Losh        http://members.home.net/forthist/


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