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[ColorForth] MISC messages

On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 12:02:19PM -0700, Michael Alyn Miller thus spake:
> Hi, folks,
> I have a copy of most of the messages.  I am building a HTML-based index
> of them on my web site.  I will post a message to this list as soon as I
> have completed that process.
> In addition, I believe I will be able to locate the missing messages.  I
> will make these available as soon as/if I find them.
> Michael Alyn Miller

If it's any help, I have this:
so that's the whole kit and kaboodle up to April 29, 2000, IIRC.
I may have some scattered traffic from the list after that, but I
don't recall there being much.

Eric LaForest


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