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[colorforth] I've got a Hardware update!

I've got a nice new hardware platform, namely,
a handheld with a color display... It's the 
Gameboy Color! My son sold it to me as he's
got a brandnew Gameboy Advance. (Cool machine

As you know, i did that OCF (One Color Forth),
( http://www.geocities.com/forth2xxx/ )
that one's doing nice as well, as it uses 
ordinary ASCII, i can plug it into any C/C++
app i write at home or at work. But of course
not using the color features of the gameboy would
be a shameful waste. I'll first try to put
the OCF into the Gameboy and later give it 
more than one color. 

If anyone here already has experimented with
hacking the Gameboy, or has an URL for me, 
please tell me. I need to know how to make
my own ROM cassette for it.

Dirk Heise


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