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[ColorForth] Mandelbrot Set

On Sun, 14 Oct 2001, Charles Shattuck wrote:

> Mark,
> I don't know how to get the source blocks out of colorforth in order to
> post them. Could someone explain it to me? I wouldn't know how to get
> them back in either.

Depends on your system. On Linux try Bernd's bput and bget scripts at:

In dos, I think you can use debug, however I'm not familer with that

> I got a NOT FOUND message when I tried to look at your attempt. Is it in
> colorforth and are you talking about using floating point and a mouse in
> colorforth?

Sorry, the correct link should be:

Yes, it's in colorForth. The floating point I'm talking is probably be 
more like floating fixed point. First you would determine what precision
you need then do fixed point arithmetic for the drawing. If you keep the
radix fixed there is a limit to how far you can zoom. I'm also looking at
adding PS/2 mouse support for colorForth, I think it would be useful for
other applications too.



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