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[ColorForth] Toys (was USB and other serial bit boffing)

On Friday 07 December 2001 12:54, Jeff Fox wrote:
> The $5 toy workstation is ancient history!

Not for me - I am still trying to figure it out. I have been told that 
$18 for a very low end graphics LCD (just 128 by 64, black and white) 
is supposed to be a great price. So a TV output seems better, even 
though it is hardly cheap at all when you take the cost of the TV (if 
this thing is really used, sharing a TV with other people will be a 
problem) is taken into account.

How about input? Putting it into a mouse like you did might make it 
cheap enough, but sometimes you need a keyboard. My four key chorded 
scheme (http://www.lsi.usp.br/~jecel/merlin4.7/chord.html) is certainly 
a cheap solution, but I think many people wouldn't like it very much 
(the Java enabled can try out a simulation and see for themselves). 
Chuck's 27 key alternative (http://www.colorforth.com/keys.html) might 
be more acceptable, though even it could cost $5 just for the keyboard.

Thanks for any free advice,
-- Jecel


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