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[colorforth] Game of Life online

I've done a fairly extensive new version of this, and put the results
online. I've tested it lightly. It is basically the same, but various
details are considerably different. I added a "blk" file link, too, so a
person can just load the four blocks directly into colorForth. I use the
linux/unix 'dd' command for this. I think it can also be done using
colorForth's file get command, but haven't tried. I'm sure there are other
ways of doing it, too. (As I say on the web page, the two shadow blocks in
these four are either blank or garbage -- I haven't seen 'em :-).

I also used a lower resolution on the screen dumps (d = 2 instead of d =

As far as I know, there aren't any unknown bugs in this version, but like
I said, I haven't tested it much (my lunch hour is over and then some :-).

Anyway, the address for those interested is:


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