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[colorforth] Game of Life online

On Mon, 20 May 2002, Mark Slicker wrote:

> Hello,
>   I tried your game of life, I think it may have a bug, or perhaps I 
> made a mistake typing it(I checked a few times). When I press 'g' it
> crashes. The user interface though, works quite nicely. It's very
> elegant.

I don't get crashes. But there may be something, since I did notice the
stack seemed to underflow or something last time I was playing with it. I
haven't had a chance to mess with it since posting the code. I'll have
another look and see if I can find anything. Perhaps later today.

> Looking through the source I noticed a few things, there are a few places
> where you compile a variable, instead of executing it and compiling the
> address. Also ';' should not be needed after jump tables, for instance in
> the definition of 'd' and 'h'. The source looks good, it reminds me that
> I'm not using the full colorForth vocabulary.

Yep, I noticed the errant ';' after posting the code. And re the
variables, yep, got lazy (switching from green to yellow and back is a
little tiresome :-).

> Is it possible for you post the source blocks? That would be less error
> prone than just typing it in.

Yeah, I'll stick the floppy in my linux box and extract the blocks using
'dd' and post 'em on that same web page. I'll try to decide whether
there's really a bug in there while I'm at it. I'll send mail around.

Thanks for trying it, and for the report!

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