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-A red word table entry is defined as two 32 bits cells
arranged like: (Red word, address) The words are searched
in even cell, and the address of the start of that word in the
dictionary is the odd cell of the couple. It's searched
backwards and is different each time you change the order
of the loaded blocks.

-The dictionary is made of compiled x18 virtual machine
instructions with simple optimizations included, like "drop dup"
removed, tail recursion, litterals implemented, etc. Each entry
look like this: (undefined length machine code, ret) where
the initial "call r/m32" calls the very first opcode of this
sequence. the ret get us to the previous word.  In the machine
code part of the word, there can be calls made to other words.
call/ret is the thing here, so this forth is subroutine threaded.

-The source is tokenized with meaning on how to construct
those two prime components. The web page is pretty clear on
that matter. Only the yellow-green transistion puzzles me:
the source code isnt changed to "green", only at the end
of the yellow word the number on stack is compiled as a
green number (litteral instruction). is this it?

What I want to know is:
- First, am I right? lol

- Why does Chuck used the "143o shl 7" type
   of instruction encoding in his source??  I have
   NASM and I'm screwed lol ;p (dont want to
   resort looking at color.com in hex viewer)

- How do I implement in macros the instruction  "*+"
   (multiply step) and the others that are not defined at
   http://www.colorforth.com/forth.html??? (btw I wrote
   some NASM macros and the whole x18 primitive set
   compiled end to end into a .bin file only takes 171 bytes,
   but some instructions are only approximations and *+ is
   totally missing.)

I want to implement this system in a (boot)sector or 2, using
standard 80x25 colored text framebuffer and STANDARD
QWERTY keyboard layout (!!!, at least to start lol) with the
keyboard i/o entirely coded in asm, like in colorForth. What
I need to get going is a proper understanding (or explanation)
of this system.I also looked upon the AHA system by Jeff Fox,
wich seemed great, but I'm also not sure at 100% of how its
working, although the explicative flowcharts on
www.ultratechnology.com are really great.

Best Regards,

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