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[colorforth] jpeg decoder

On Thu, 30 May 2002, Dirk Harms-Merbitz wrote:

> Chasing C implementations of committee standards is problematic
> because it leads to unavoidable bloat and uglyness.  
> ColorForth exchanges source code so we cannot hide the uglyness 
> in object code.
> But with a network connection we can hide the uglyness in a Linux
> box.

By extention, why don't we hide the ugly details of network protocals, by
building colorForth on top of Linux. Why go through the trouble of
developing a TCP/IP stack, and all the required network drivers. Doesn't
Linux solve this problem? I think you be more comfortable with a
linux-based forth, there are many of these in existence. You needn't
convert colorForthers to your linux ways. Why are you wasting the time of
those who would like a true colorForth operating system?



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