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[colorforth] NASM for colorforth

On Sun, 7 Jul 2002, Kristopher Johnson wrote:

> I know we're a long way from this.  We'd need TCP/IP and some support for HTTP.
>  We'd probably need to support basic HTTP authentication, and may even want SSL
> for serious use.  The PUT" and SAVE" words might require some sort of CGI
> handler on the web server, or maybe we could use DAV or FrontPage extensions.
> There would also be a need to make it easy to enter URL's using colorForth's
> keypad.  Some of the common symbols aren't part of colorForth's character set
> ('%' and '_', in particular), and the HTTP requests/responses use ASCII.
> Anyway, it's just something to think about.  I'd be willing to help implement
> some of this, but I'd need the basic network hardware and TCP/IP support from
> someone else.

I'm still a bit of a novice at network protocals, however it might be
better to start at a lower level. UDP looks good for sending blocks. I
don't know if this applies to other protocals, but you could probably fit
a block of source and the required information within an ethernet
packet. The maximum size of a packet 1518 bytes.

You might address blocks the same way they are addressed currently, by
linear address. The same editor that is used to browse blocks in
memory could be used to browse blocks on a remote computer. A command
similar to 'copy' could be used to transfer remote blocks to local



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