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[colorforth] NASM for colorforth

My thinking is that if we go with HTTP, then we can use any old off-the-shelf
web server application on the server side.  If we go with UDP, then we'd need
to specify a new protocol, and implement something new on the server side.

Also, I believe applications don't have absolute control over packet sizes. 
The underlying layers are free to split UDP messages into smaller units.  So a
UDP-based protocol would need some way to detect missing packets and do resends
and all that other stuff.  (I could be wrong here--I know more about the higher
levels of TCP/IP than the lower levels.)

If all we want is colorForth-to-colorForth connectivity (i.e., a colorForth
machine talking to another colorForth machine), over a LAN (not across the
Internet), then I guess we could make a lot of simplifying assumptions.

-- Kris

--- Mark Slicker <maslicke@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
> I'm still a bit of a novice at network protocals, however it might be
> better to start at a lower level. UDP looks good for sending blocks. I
> don't know if this applies to other protocals, but you could probably fit
> a block of source and the required information within an ethernet
> packet. The maximum size of a packet 1518 bytes.
> You might address blocks the same way they are addressed currently, by
> linear address. The same editor that is used to browse blocks in
> memory could be used to browse blocks on a remote computer. A command
> similar to 'copy' could be used to transfer remote blocks to local
> memory.
> Mark

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