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[colorforth] NASM for colorforth

Hello John

On 09-Jul-02, you wrote:

> Hello all,
> There is merit to both sharing ColorForth as "blocks"
> and sharing ColorForth in some "portable format"
> whether that format is ASCII or something else.
> Think of people like me who dabble with Enth/Flux.
> ColorForth only works on some of the systems I have
> access to, whereas Enth/Flux works on everything
> and the learning curve for me is smaller.  It would
> be nice to be able to move code between the two
> systems.  Plus ASCII is needed if you want to post
> ColorForth code on a web page unless you're going
> to go with PNG.  (Funny that no one objects to PNG
> the same way they object to JPEG.  *grin*)  Having
> an ASCII import/export utility would be nice IMHO.
> Regards,
> John M. Drake

There's sharing it as in viewing or publishing it  as opposed to writing
code in it.

Remember this is harks back to Chuck's original Forth, but simpler and more
refined, and therefore smaller.

It's important to try and learn and become comfortable with blocks.  Also
factorizing code.  Otherwise, we'll have files, libraries and before we
know it, ANSForth.

I hope Chuck releases the UTP code soon.  Do we need CVS or a simpler
version so people can work on code concurrently.

It's also about time we had a chat/IRC with Chuck and Jeff so we can do a Q
& A session.


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