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[colorforth] Success...my first boot screen

On Tuesday, July 9, 2002 Martin wrote:

> So the big question is...why does Terry Loveall's and Sean Pringles
> Color-like Forth's work fine with the floppy, but Chuck's ColorForth has
> problems.

The reason that Seans Nth color forth boots consitently is that he uses Int 13h
BIOS calls. The reason my color forths have disk I/O is the use of DOS file
I/O. Chuck's colorForth uses direct register writes to the 'industry standard'
floppy interface.

The strength and weakness of colorForth is an optimum fit of software to
hardware. The weakness is that it only runs on harware it has been optimized

The way I got colorForth to run on Asus and other motherboards was to
disassemble the Asus BIOS int 13h calls and look for differences between
Chuck's original code and the BIOS. What I found was the 'write to port 0E1h'
time delay. Obviously, on other systems it will be different.

What is the difference between using an industry standard BIOS call and
directly accessing hardware that contains less than industry standard

Terry Loveall

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