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[colorforth] Unix, bochs and colorforth

Hello Georg

On 09-Jul-02, you wrote:

> Hello!
> Just for the records, and because isforth was suggested as a migration
> path for colorforth to unix I want to mention, that I tried to use the
> bochs - pc emulator to start colorforth.
A migration path for ColorForth to Unix.

ColorForth is a standalone Forth.  It is not mean't to be run under any
other OS.

The whole point of ColorForth, is to get back to a basic/original Forth
concept.  It is it's own OS.

A Forth as Chuck Moore originally produced but better.  More simpler,
smaller and faster.

The downside to this is everything has to be wriiten from scratch in

You have to forget about other OS's.  

You have to forget about other programming langauges,  and startover.  At
the beginning (where we are now), it is going to be difficult and slow.

What we need to do as a group, is focus, share and help each other.

The environment at the moment poor to say the least.

As I mentioned earlier, do we need CVS or something similar ?

Can we share info with assembler and other programmers to move us along
faster ?

POINT OF NOTE - Forth needs assembler/machine code at it's lowest level
before we get to higher level words.

I think we need a regular IRC channel to help people and share knowledge.

We need some focus and drive.

Any opinions ?


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