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[colorforth] Unix, bochs and colorforth

Hello Martin!

El mar, 09-07-2002 a las 20:13, marrandy escribió:
> ColorForth is a standalone Forth.  It is not mean't to be run under any
> other OS.

Yep, I grep this.


> You have to forget about other OS's.  

No I don't.  Why wouldn't I program an application in colorforth under
Unix and run it in Bochs?  It's not about becoming a new sect, if
colorforth programming is good I'll do it wherever it pleases me.

I also won't forget about what I ever have learned in other places, it
won't even work then to get colorforth running.

> What we need to do as a group, is focus, share and help each other.
> The environment at the moment poor to say the least.

Good.  if someone is good at bochs and get colorforth working on it,
anybody could get it running on any hardware running unix to start
with.  That does not mean, that colorforth aplications have to be run
under unix/bochs.

> As I mentioned earlier, do we need CVS or something similar ?

I think that there has to be a decision, wether a centralized core
colorforth is desired, which means there would be an authoritative group
or person deciding on what goes into it and what not.  As I understand
Ch. Moore's statement about the "legal" status he is explicitely not
enforcing such approach.  

Are there "split-off" colorforth groups to be build?  This would not
sound nice to me.

Anyway, for me CVS repository and "standard" way to download, assemble,
and contribute is very fine.

> I think we need a regular IRC channel to help people and share knowledge.

Speeking for people on "the other side of the globe" and for the ones
witch dial-up lines:

IRC is not working for us, and Wiki is a pain.  If each 15 Minutes of
33.3k online time costs you a buck or so, you value just beeing able to
read the whole discussion offline with your favorite mail programm.

Best Regards,


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